Attorneys at Law

Draper's Paper Route

A lawyer’s musings on life.








by Adam Carroll Draper

Earlier this week, I shared a piece by Tucker Carlson on my Facebook page in which Tucker focused on Paul Singer, who has made some three billion dollars buying up perfectly good American companies and selling them off piece by piece, leaving dead towns and the unemployed victims of his earnings in his wake.  An interesting thing happened, friends of mine began leaving comments on the thread that became a civil, yet entertaining debate about President Trump, the Republican Party and left vs. right in general.  Other than a comment saying essentially that Tucker was not worth hearing, which lead me to believe what was posted may not have been viewed, the point Tucker was making was lost entirely in the debate.

For the sake of clarity, here is a link to Tucker’s commentary:

Tucker’s lament was not just about Singer, but vulture capitalists and the effect their money is having on Washington.  It is destroying Middle America.  In fairness to those commenting on my post, I prefaced Tucker’s piece by saying that it pointed towards something I have been arguing since I was in high school (and wrote about in my column in our college paper, The Lenoir-Rhynean).  There are two main parts of the Republican Party, the Wall Street part (long referenced as the Rockefeller or Country Club Republicans) and the Main Street part (long referred as Goldwater Republicans).  The second (Main Street) part of the party has gone by various other names: Birchers, Reagan Republicans, Tea Party… and now Trump supporters.   I am fairly libertarian in political outlook, but I tend to side with the non-Wall Street part of the party, which is the majority of the party faithful.  The Wall Street Republicans detest the other Republicans, meaning they detest the majority of their own party.  The leadership of the Republican Party tends to be made up of Wall Street Republicans who pretend they are Goldwater or Reagan Republicans.  They get into office with money from vulture capitalists, using ads in which they present themselves as part of the detested, but when they get in office, they do the bidding of those who own them.

As Mark Twain said, “We have the best congress money can buy.”

Middle America is not failing to compete, it is being betrayed, dismantled and sold piece by piece to various countries around the world (particularly China) to create a global economic community.  Tucker only discussed the dismantling.  Singer is just the poster boy of the Republican part of this dismantling.   He is similar to the Democrats’ poster boy for the New World Order, George Soros.  If you really want to know the game plan, it is easy to find.  Seriously, it has been mapped out.  Read Between Two Ages:  America’s Role in the Technocratic Era by Zbigniew Brzinski, or even Global Reach: The Power of Multinational Corporations by Richard Barnett.  Heck, read any publication of Foreign Affairs. 

While most people are arguing about left vs. right, this vs. that, and the attendant name calling, (racist, nationalist, homophobe… antidysindustrialtransexualandrogynalist), we (the people) are being sold into permanent indentured servitude to a new world order governed by technocrats.  These people loathe us – all of us!  They hate America.  It is not because we are white or black, gay or straight, male or female – but because Americans still have a very loose hold on the country that can either be used to implement their new world order or make sure that the people who make up the nations of the world keep the right to self-determination. 

THEY hate Christians most of all because Christian morality is the basis for Western society and the Western notion of the nation state, which has defined international law since the mid 17th Century.  Christianity provides the moral underpinning of our law and our ability to agree.  Before you dismiss this as anathema to what you were taught, read Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition by Harold Berman.  When you see Christianity, particularly in America, being attacked and our symbols, traditions and celebrations removed from the public square, it is because they must be destroyed and removed from memory for the new world order to be implemented and endure.

So what does vulture capitalism have to do with this?  Everything!  It is the government assisted destruction of our economy erroneously blamed on free market principles – while violating those very principles.  Selah.

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