Attorneys at Law

Draper's Paper Route

A lawyer’s musings on life.








Medical Kidnapping

by: Adam Carroll Draper

The Daily Caller ran a story by Michael Voipe this week entitled, “Arizona’s Department of Child Safety Has a Pattern of Sending SWAT Teams for ‘Medical Kidnapping.’”  Apparently, judges and Arizona’s Department of Child Safety are aggressively taking children away from their parents and putting them in foster care simply because the parents disagree with doctors’ diagnoses and seek alternative treatment for their children.  SWAT teams are being used to seize children from their homes.  This is part of a larger trend in America, which is being called “Medical Kidnapping.” 

     This is the article:

     I have to admit to a bias: I am a lawyer and I have occasionally represented parents who have gone afoul of Child Protective Services (CPS).  I also want to paraphrase Idelia, the maid in Driving Miss Daisy, by saying that I wouldn’t be a social worker if the sweet Lord Jesus came down and asked me himself.  Well, I would then, but I wouldn’t like it.  That is a hard, thankless job if there ever was one. Having gotten the admissions out of the way, CPS can act like Huns of groupthink.  It is scary.  CPS is necessary because there a ton of parents who suck, and we do have a duty as a society to protect children from parental abuse and horrific neglect.  HOWEVER, there is a larger concern over trends that go beyond anything remotely associated with merely taking care of children and strays into societal engineering.  That is the alarm I am sounding today. 

     Socialists understand that they must change societal norms in order to make socialism acceptable to America as a whole.  This is not conspiracy.  It is their goal.  Here is the thing.  I love a lot of people who think that what I just said is sheer lunacy.  I love them anyway, and I will not stop talking to them or try to shut them up because they disagree with me.  But neither will I just shut up.  We are being conditioned to accept collectivism.  One of the most obvious examples of this is in how we are being conditioned to think about our children.

     In a promotion for her show on MSNBC in 2013, Professor Melissa Harris-Perry of Tulane University said, “we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.”  She explained that she was promoting the idea that we need to take on a greater sense of responsibility for all children in our society.  Despite her attempts to walk the statement back, it was taken as a threat by mothers and fathers throughout the country.

     Professor Harris-Perry’s larger point is hardly offensive, but the first statement caused quite a big stir – as it was intended to do, I suppose.   Words mean things.  Kids don’t belong to their parents, but they do belong to whole communities?  To a lot of us, that sounded eerily similar to the government imposed aphorism “everyone belongs to everyone else” in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.

     The outrage at Professor Harris-Perry’s MSNBC promo is better understood as a response to the ongoing war waged against our societal norms.  To socialists, this war is against American provincialism – a quaint (pronounced: racist, sexist, xenophobic) tradition of servile and hierarchical loyalty to God, family and country.   I beg to differ. The promo did not simply trigger a spasmodic episode from the national personality disorder of the “deplorables” – the “bitter clingers.”   It is not provincial to fight the idea that our children belong to the collective, it is our duty. While any duty to God, family and country may seem backward or even anathema to socialists, it is spiritual and existential to those who accept it. Governments are instituted to ensure our liberty to live our lives pursuant the dictates of conscience, not the designs of the collective. A government that takes children from their families merely to serve larger societal goals is a tyranny.

     The truth is that Americans were being conditioned to accept the idea floated by Professor Harris-Perry long before her infamous statement.  Remember Hillary Clinton’s book It Takes A Village?  It was not simply ridiculous then to say that she was espousing socialism, you were a sexist for even suggesting it.  It was not a huge leap from there to conflate the two and suggest that only sexists deny that the needs of the village are more important than the values of parents.  In 2008 it was racist to suggest that President Obama was a socialist based upon things he had written or the people with whom he had associated.  After he was re-elected, they must have felt that the conscience of the nation was ready to be liberated to a higher collective.  Trial balloons started being floated to prepare us for what was to come. Professor Harris-Perry infamous MSNBC promo aired in 2013.   If Medical Kidnapping is now the norm, we certainly have come a very long way since 2008.  If it was racist then to call President Obama a socialist, perhaps now it is racist not to be a socialist.

     Consider what is going on in Arizona.  We are being conditioned to accept that it is simply part of proper governmental function, the duty of the community, to take children away from parents who disagree with doctors.  How is this ok?  The rationale goes something like: doctors know better, and people who disagree with them are hurting their children.  We must stop parents who disagree with doctors. Does it matter if the doctors’ diagnoses are influenced by how they get paid?  Does it matter that we are moving very quickly towards a system in which the federal government determines how they get paid?  How much of a leap is it from there to seizing home-schooled children because parents disagree with the government about how and what their children should be taught?  Socialists already do that in Germany.

       When did efficacy become more important than freedom?  When did we forget that it is down deep in the marrow of Americans that we serve first God, then family, then country – and that we must not EVER allow our government to take our families from us simply because we don’t agree with socialist tenets of societal and/or global duty?  I don’t know, but I suspect that we quit asking those questions when it became racist, sexist, xenophobic or deplorable to do so.

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