by Adam Carroll Draper
I want to live where blue makes sense,
Where yellow tastes a melody
And light has roots in the morning sun,
Blooming still in the evening breeze.
Adonai’s breath paints upon a canvas
Of glimmering dew, fleeting bliss
Where angels swim a honeysuckle song,
Vast in freedom - all pink with white,
Naked of what hides us, smiling joy
Of everything and silence
Of stillness and pandemonium -
A tulip for a bee, nectar of spring.
There is a bright and tingling place
Where I can only be forever
Singing you a song, O Lord,
Walking to my mailbox or
Pulling a red wagon of giggles,
Sweet rapture of an endless moment.
Glorious splay of fragrant clouds
Intoned in the brilliant color of now,
Happiness sung in infinite laughter
This instant on earth as it is in heaven.
It is now. It is always now.
C.S. Lewis once wrote, “Joy is the serious business of heaven.” He also said that we can’t experience God’s reality in the same way He does because He is infinite and singular at once. The only time we experience that reality is in the moment.
I wrote this poem with that in mind. The odd double spacing is not intended, so I apologize for that. I can’t seem to get it to come out otherwise, so I guess that is the way it will stay, which somehow seems fitting.
The moment is where we encounter God. Not yesterday or tomorrow – now. How we fill that moment tends to reflect what we believe about the past and the future, but the moment is where faith and eternity collide – where the spiritual warfare is waged.
It is no wonder, then, that Paul teaches us not to worry about anything. Instead, we make our concerns known to the Lord with prayers and petitions, knowing that He loves us and that He is working us into His harmony. Stef and I are experiencing life a little inside out right now, and the song of my heart draws me back the eternal truth of the moment – that this is all working to the good because we love God and are called to His purpose.
No worries. We sing. We pray. We believe in joy, right now – on earth as it is in heaven.
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