Attorneys at Law

Draper's Paper Route

A lawyer’s musings on life.





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by Adam Carroll Draper

Professor Arnold Loewy taught me Constitutional Law at Carolina.  He’s an extremely nice guy in addition to being brilliant; and he’s funny.  I asked him once in class if it would be unconstitutional for the government to try to make citizens bear a number or a mark.  He said that he didn’t think so.  Professor Lowey is Jewish, so he did not like his own answer any more than I did.  I never discussed it with him in depth afterwards (which is odd because I was his research assistant and we talked a lot).  I suspect, however, that he had thought about it from the perspective of the Nazis branding Jews in the concentration camps, which is ghastly, but not what drove me to ask him.

In my missive of April 13, 2019 on Vaccines, I pointed out that Mayor Bill DeBlasio forced everyone in Brooklyn to get a measles vaccine.   I ended by asking a question.  “For everyone who feels absolutely justified in forcing vaccinations upon those adamantly opposed to them:  Is being right worth it? Is this attempt at public safety worth societal upheaval?  Who benefits by such upheaval?” 

Now, that we are in the middle of this Covid-19 mess, the issue of government compelled vaccination has come closer to home for most of us.  There is a public divide over this issue, and I want to try to discuss it civilly while we still can.

Most every peer-reviewed, published study on the topic of vaccines has found that they are perfectly safe.  Beyond that, it seems perfectly obvious to most everyone that vaccines have been successful in defeating polio and the measles.  When I was a five, I got a booster shot.  That damn thing hurt.  It ruined my experience of going to see Herbie the Love Bug that night - ruined it for my dad and everyone sitting around me, too.  BUT it worked, right?  Here’s the thing, I got one shot for four problems.  Now, they vaccinate new born babies; and by the time those babies are five, they get 48 shots for 17 different vaccines.  But nobody is supposed to question this.

Too bad!  A lot of people are questioning the efficacy of this unending number of vaccinations now, particularly the flu vaccines.   You don’t have to do any scrolling on the internet to find all kinds of doctors who oppose this.  And did you know that there is a national fund set up for people whose lives have been destroyed by vaccines?  No?  Check this out:

Congress set this up when they prevented people from suing pharmaceutical companies that develop vaccines.  Uhmm, OK, but why do they need this fund if vaccines are so safe?

I am making this point because the CDC acts like anyone who questions the efficacy of any vaccine is a nut.  I am not exaggerating.  Carol Baker, a former Chair of the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, thinks everyone who refuses to take all these vaccines is going to die.  While noting that most of the resistance to vaccines in the United States comes from educated people and that immigrants are most likely not to oppose vaccinations, she quipped that, as a consequence, “We’ll just get rid of all the white people in the United States.”  I’m not making it up or taking it out of context.  Watch it:

If we just assume that a vaccine is in fact safe because the FDA has decided so, it might then follow that it would be within the legitimate power of the government to force everyone to get such vaccine to protect the public at large.  I am not necessarily willing to concede that, but we will just assume it for the sake of argument.  However, we do not have anywhere near that kind of certainty about vaccines.  The tests they are relying on for Covid-19 are not even all that accurate. Nevertheless, we are facing the very real possibility that a government (federal, state or local) is going is start forcing people to take whatever Covid-19 vaccine the FDA pronounces safe for us.  Pronouncing it safe and forcing everyone to take it are two very different things.

This is not some distant possibility.  They are planning on it.

Did you ever laugh at the idea that Americans would ever stand for being required to have “papers” to go out in public?  Picture the Stormtroopers demanding, “Show me your papers!”  By now, most of us have seen the video of Dr. Anthony Fauci saying that it might become necessary for anyone who goes out in public to prove that they have the antibody.  No?  Watch:

Really?  Based upon our absolute trust in vaccines and tests, nobody is going to be able to go out in public without the imprimatur of the medical and pharmaceutical industry?  How do you think the government decides this?  Who pays for the people coming up with all this certainty?  Here’s a little clue.  EVERY director of the FDA goes to work in either the food or drug industry when he or she leaves office. 

Who benefits by this authoritarianism?

How far is it from “show-me-your-papers” to the point that our government protects us from each other by requiring us all to have RFID implants?  I so assume we are not there yet, but that is why I am bringing it up now.  I do not believe in unavoidable slippery slopes.  It is axiomatic, however, that governments tend towards authoritarianism when it is possible (that is, when the people cannot stop it). 

Going back to my question to Professor Loewy, what he did not understand is that Christians are not going to allow ourselves to be implanted or marked.  We would see such a thing as the “sign of the beast” prophesied in Revelations chapter 13.  It is formed down in the marrow of our bones that we would die first.  For those of you who are not Christians, this may be a moment when you roll your eyes, but you need to come to grips with this.  There are some aspects of humanity so fundamental our existence that, when a government or a group violates them, the bonds of loyalty that form the society being governed can unravel.  Freedom to worship, seek and obey God as conscience dictates is fundamental to being human. This is why the First Amendment forbids any law that infringes upon the free exercise of religion. 

Thomas Jefferson understood this, and the founding fathers acknowledged it, by pledging their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to uphold these truths as self-evident, “that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”  This “Pursuit of Happiness” is the point of life.  For Christians, God is life (“in whom we live and move and have our being”) and in him is happiness itself. We must be free to live as we believe he requires. 

Some things cannot be compromised.  The line gets drawn at the RFID chip.

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